An ectomorph, mesomorph and a endomorph walk into a gym and compare notes.
There are three types of bodies and the ectomorph is most notable for the person who can eat almost anything they want and not gain any weight. This sounds great from the fat standpoint; however, it also means it is tough to gain muscle.
These individuals are generally long and appear to have longer arms and legs. This look has also been referred to as the ruler look, long and lean.
If you are an ectomorph and are happy not having muscle, you still need to watch what you eat. Just because you are not fat does not mean that you are healthy.
While your body can handle things with sugar without showing it, the chemistry is still an issue. Inflammation will still creep up on you with processed sugary foods.
These cookies, cokes, and cupcakes destroy the gut and feed cancer even if it doesn’t add to the waistline. Feel free to eat more fruit and veggies as the carbs will not only not add fat, but the good chemicals will help push you along a healthier road.
Ectomorphs can still have gluten issues, so even though bread is something your diet can have in it, your gut might say no. Now, if you want to gain some muscle, you will have to take in a bunch more everything than other body types.
For instance, I typically make a post-workout drink for people with pineapple juice and 3 grams of leucine. This helps push the good sugars and introduces the nutrient the body needs to grow.
If muscle development is a goal for ectomorphs, growing is not going to be easy, so every growth aspect needs to be on point. The growth aspects are sleep, supplementation, testosterone, muscle damage/training, water, and calories.
I will be covering the mesomorph and a endomorph in a couple of later posts.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.