ENB #105 The Dr. Matt Chalmers stops by to discuss the Ohio train wreck, and it’s impact on the U.S. wellness, and his other wellness projects.
Today’s discussion with Dr. Matt Chalmers is an eye-opener on several major issues in the United States. Everyone knows trains are the lifeblood of commerce and energy in the U.S. Oil, coal, and refined critical products are shipped by rail when pipelines are unavailable.
The train wreck in Ohio is only one of several major ecological disasters hitting us: Dr. Chalmers, a renowned wellness doctor and Amazon best-selling author, stopped by the podcast to cover these issues. Critical takeaway: “It is easier to clean up a nuclear waste site than the chemicals that spread across much of the U.S. from the Ohio train wreck.” Let that sink in for a moment.
We also covered his research into cannabis as a pain substitute for opioids. The opioid addiction crisis has solutions, and we cover those. I was quite surprised by the solutions, facts, and data. His insights and solutions for this crisis will be impactful across the nation. He filming his TED Talk this week and is covering the opioid crisis and his solutions around cannabis.
Please let me know if you are a news agency or want to interview Dr. Chalmers. You can get in contact with me or reach out to him directly.
Please reach out to Dr. Matt Chalmers at questions@chalmerswellness.com
Or his websites: Pillarsofwellness.com, ChalmersWellness.com, and his Dr. Chalmers Substack.
Thank you, Dr. Chalmers, for your dedication to speaking out on critical health and wellness issues. – Stu
Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.
ENB Podcast with Dr. Matt Chalmers – Final Cut.mp4
Stuart Turley [00:00:03] Hey, everybody. Today’s just not a great day. It’s a fabulous day. I get to do what I do best, and that is talk to my podcast guests. My name is Do Turley, president and CEO of the Sandstone Group. And I’ve got a real treat today.
Stuart Turley [00:00:18] I’ve got not only a doctor, I’ve got the doctor, he knows more about wellness than most people ever forget in a lifetime. His name’s Doctor Chalmers.
Stuart Turley [00:00:29] Doctor Chalmers has got a heck of a following and his podcast is taking off. Dr. Chalmers Show Insights to Wellness. Thank you, Dr. Chalmers, for stopping by.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:42] Absolutely. Thanks for having me.
Stuart Turley [00:00:43] I’ll tell you what, Dr. Chalmers, a little bit of inside baseball for our listeners. I’ve known you for about a year and a half, almost two years, and I have loved your book, Pillars of Wellness.
Stuart Turley [00:00:53] And I mean, I’ve also was a patient of yours when I had a heart problem and came in and you said you got to get detoxed. Detox – Detox and I went through your process. I felt a lot better. And I am a believer in wellness. Dr. Chalmers.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:11] Well, it’s the biggest way to go, and it’s always funny to me because people always ask me like, Well, what do you mean by wellness is the highest quality of life you can have for the longest quantity of time.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:22] And so we talk a lot about anti-aging and stuff like that, And people go, Well, how much of what you do is anti-aging? And I say, All of it. All the things I do are anti-aging because we’re going to do hormones to clean up your organs we’re going to feed your organs they’re going to be the healthiest they can be for the longest journey of time.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:38] So, you know, it’s one of those things that trees, oak trees can live hundreds of years but if you don’t feed them right, they die. And so body is the same way but it’s not just, am I going to live to 80. Are you going to enjoy it? If your life sucks from 45 to 80, do you really want to live that long?
Stuart Turley [00:01:53] No.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:54] That’s that’s the whole premise.
Stuart Turley [00:01:55] Now, you started out in having your football in your book, you talk about you started out when you said, hey, wait a minute, there’s got to be a better way. And then I’ve been able to watch you as you go through this.
Stuart Turley [00:02:08] And you get so passionate on your podcast not only do you believe that you’ve had so many other people that you’ve saved like me and you had all these other things. You and I were chit chatting before this and this disaster that happened up there.
Stuart Turley [00:02:26] For Energy, my, my podcast listeners in the podcast is Energy News Beat. And energy we cover the entire gamut of energy. What happens about energy? You haul energy on trains, you how you haul gas, you haul all kinds of things across the United States, pipelines are better than trains.
Stuart Turley [00:02:49] And we’re going to talk about what is going on, because everybody was saying, how bad is it Dr. Chalmers? There was 100. It’s 150 long train. There are 50 that were derailed and then there were 50 with vinyl.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:07] Chloride.
Stuart Turley [00:03:08] Thank you. Bless you. And now? Now what is that? And tell us, how bad is it Dr. Chalmers.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:14] Dr. Chalmers So a lot of you are familiar with polyvinyl chloride or PVC. PVC is a resin, it’s inert, it’s super cool, your water is fine and PVC pipes, it’s great.
Stuart Turley [00:03:26] Right?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:27] [00:03:27]Vinyl chloride is highly reactive, it’s extremely toxic, and just the smallest amount will do all sorts of bad things to you. So we’re looking at nervous system issues. It shuts down your body’s ability to just function when you stop breathing and you die. So if you’re in it and you’re breathing it, it’s pretty toxic from that standpoint. [16.1s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:43] But the biggest thing that we run into, [00:03:45]you want to die from this stuff, you don’t want to live with it because the problem is that this causes all sorts of cancers. It’ll actually create what’s called acro osteo lysis basically the tips of your fingers, the bones dissolve into nothing. [13.5s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:00] And so you’re just with these fleshy flat pads at the ends. [00:04:04]Damage is all kinds of things it creates in blood vessel damage that is similar to Renard syndrome. [4.7s] So people walk around and it’s 100 degrees outside, their hands are freezing cold. This causes that causes the same thing in the legs it causes the same thing in the feet.
Stuart Turley [00:04:18] Okay. I’m frightened right now and I’m all these miles away. Now you’re talking about the Vinyl Chlorine, Right?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:28] Yup. Vinyl Chlorine. Yup
Stuart Turley [00:04:29] This thing blew up with five, full cars.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:35] Yep.
Stuart Turley [00:04:36] And then they burned it and it went into the air, right?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:40] Yes.
Stuart Turley [00:04:42] So it what you’re describing is only in that area is that correct? Or is this now.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:47] No, no, no, no, no. So what happens is that it gets it gets vaporized, but it doesn’t burn off like it’s not like you’re burning it it’s going away. [00:04:55]As it comes into the area all sorts of different things that the fire is now made it to. It is now going to be picked up by the wind and carried all over the place. [9.8s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:05] But here’s the problem where we’re trash in Ohio, is that , [00:05:08]there’s a bunch of river systems that are there that feed into, at the end of the day, the Mississippi. So all of the United States is going to start drinking this stuff soon, [8.8s] but not just the one from it, from Ohio,.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:20] The one in Arizona that leaves out the Nitric Acid, [00:05:24]that one is also hyper toxic and that one’s going to be blown all over the place as well. [5.1s] So we’re all going to get to start dealing with this. [00:05:32]And one of the only ways we’re going to be able to get it out of the water is with reverse osmosis filtration [5.0s] and our city systems don’t do that.
Stuart Turley [00:05:41] They won’t.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:42] [00:05:42]So we’re going to all get to either get reverse osmosis for our homes or drink only bottled water and shower in bottled water and brush your teeth and cook your food and do everything with bottled water. [13.4s] Because this isn’t a bacteria that you boil out of water. [00:06:00]This is a chemical that we’re going to have to somehow figure out how to pull out. [3.2s] So it’s going to be really tough.
Stuart Turley [00:06:06] I saw the video on Twitter of someone boiling water and it was foam and they said they can’t boil it clean. That makes sense now!
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:17] Yeah. Yeah. So the reason that you can boil things out, one of it’s a living organism boiling water will kill it, to a large degree, most things will die boiling water.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:29] The other side is that depending on what the melting point or the vapor point of the chemical is, if it’s [00:06:36]if it’s a lower vapor point than water, when you boil it, you make it more concentrated because the water leaves, but the chemical stays. [7.5s] So.
Stuart Turley [00:06:46] Holy Smokes.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:47] Yeah, that’s the problem. So here’s the other issue with that, [00:06:49]let’s say that you’ve got a bunch of water in a little bit of chemical sitting in a tank, as the sun heats that tank and you get natural evaporation you don’t, you don’t get. You don’t get evaporation of the chemical. So it becomes more and more concentrated. [12.5s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:03] So here’s the next thing about that. [00:07:05]All the food, all the chickens, all the cows, all the grain, all the plants, vegetables, all that stuff is not going to get this stuff raining back down, literally raining back down with all of the rain. [11.5s] So what? Good.
Stuart Turley [00:07:20] There’s vinyl chloride when it mixes with water, become hydrochloric acid.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:27] [00:07:27]Not necessarily. However, there’s a bunch of hydrogen chloride that is all over the place that can mix with water mix of hydrochloric acid, [7.7s] because because the chlorine fraction, all it needs to become hydrochloric acid is hydrogen or water. And so if chlorine gas gets mixed into water, you’re going to have hydrochloric acid.
Stuart Turley [00:07:50] My head just exploded Boss, Holy Smokes.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:52] Well, that would be the best option. [00:07:55]The best thing that could happen is that it becomes hydrochloric acid rains down as acid in this beneath the nature as it hits. [5.8s] That’s actually the best thing we could hope for, [00:08:03]it will destroy all cars, buildings, people, animals but it’ll just be done. [4.8s] That’s not what’s going to happen, [00:08:10]what’s going to happen is these toxins are going to be swirled around, they’re going to rain down. [3.8s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:15] Right.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:16] [00:08:16]They’re going to get in all of our food, they’re going to into all of our the soil that’s not going to be continually growing. [5.5s] One of the reasons that people talk about how nightshades are so bad in this country?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:25] [00:08:25]Isn’t because nightshades are bad, it’s because they’re buying room, and so anything that’s sprayed on them, anything is in the air. So you’re talking about eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, things like that, they absorb whatever hits the vine. [12.0s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:38] So [00:08:38]if this chemical lands on the vine of these type of plants, it can be pushed right into the fruit, which is what we eat. [5.4s] So we’re we’re battling a real bad place food wise.
Stuart Turley [00:08:49] The badness is there, we saw the mushroom cloud. Dr. Chalmers, That thing was horrible. I even saw a picture of somebody flying over it, and there was this gigantic for my for my podcast listeners, I’m holding my hands up and there was a dark, hideously dark circle, and then it was white where that plume was going up.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:12] Yes. The upside is that with that fire, we’re going to get some denature of some of these chemicals. We’re going to get some things that are bad, that are that are worse, that are kicked up, those, you know, those as you as you oxidize certain things, they get worse.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:27] Some of the stuff is going to stay because as it heats up, you’re just going to carry it higher. So we’re going to have all kinds of different things. That’s really Vinyl Chloride. It’s going to be, you know, heated vinyl chloride, something mixed with whatever else chemicals were there,.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:40] Because unless those trucks were just pure Vinyl hloride, which they might have been [00:09:45]anything else, it was there is going to be mixed in there if there’s diesel fuel, if there’s anything else that was burning, we’re going to have all these things that are going to be secondary issues, they’re going to be even worse. [10.9s]
Stuart Turley [00:09:57] [00:09:57]Four of the other tankers involved in the derailment were carrying at least four other different chemicals, [6.1s] ethylene glycol. I can’t even Dr. Thomas. I went to Oceana and you know that I can’t just take this [00:10:12]Ethylene Glycolma, Nuclear Ether, Ether Exel Acrylate and I saw Butane and Butyl accelerate. [8.7s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:22] Okay, so all those are highly flammable.
Stuart Turley [00:10:25] Yeah.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:25] So that’s the. Yeah. So, but I don’t know what those chemicals will all mix together if you put them into a fire. And here’s the other fun thing about chemistry, [00:10:33]if you put certain chemicals into a 300 degree fire, they become something different than a thousand degree fire. [4.9s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:39] And so I don’t know that that makes that makes it going to burn out. [00:10:43]Now, it could possibly have burnt hot enough to destroy some of this stuff but the problem is, just because you could destroy the chemical doesn’t mean you didn’t make something more toxic as it comes out. [9.5s]
Stuart Turley [00:10:53] So them thinking that you can burn your way out of this, may not have done anything but make it worse.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:59] Correct. Now, here’s the thing, it would have it would have cleaned it up faster, because if what they said was that they set it on fire so that it would clean up faster, [00:11:08]you can get the rails going again faster if you burn it all off and carry all of the charred and don’t have to deal with the mixture. [6.5s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:16] But I one of the other ones looks like, Nitric Acid is very, very flammable, and when you burn it, it becomes nitric monoxide, which is highly deadly if you breathe it. So this is the Arizona one.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:31] And the problem the biggest problem with with these is that [00:11:35]the safe level to breathe, nitric acid is below where you can smell it. [5.2s] So there’s a there’s a gap where. So, like, for instance, [00:11:46]the the what they call the ten minute AGL is .16 parts per million, [5.6s] you can’t smell it at that level. [00:11:54]So there’s a point where it’s between safe and super bad for you, where you can’t even smell it. [5.6s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:01] So it’s going to be bad that you can’t smell it, you’re going to be breathing it for however long you’re around. And so, yeah, that one causes respiratory issues as well, cardiovascular function, all sorts of things.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:12] [00:12:12]So both of these are not good chemicals to be around, and they’re not good in very small quantities. [5.8s] Very small.
Stuart Turley [00:12:20] From a health perspective, what can a Palestine is only 5000 people. But this is going to a 15 states is what I’m hearing.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:31] Yep. Yeah, you’re going to you’re going to depending on where the wind blows, this is going to be blown over a lot of people, and we’re going to see, you know, [00:12:39]liver cancer is a really big one with some of these things, and so that’s going to be the biggest thing that you’re going to notice is the cancers and things like that are going to go up. [8.7s] So it’s going to be a problem.
Stuart Turley [00:12:50] its a big carcinogen. All of those are carcinogens, correct?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:53] Correct, Yes.
Stuart Turley [00:12:55] Wow. Now. When you’re doing a TED Talk next week.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:05] Correct? Correct.
Stuart Turley [00:13:06] What are you talking about on the TED talk?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:10] It is my opinion and with research that I personally design in research so that we have all over the place, that we can take a massive dent in the opioid epidemic and we have right now, if we use cannabis as a pain relief.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:23] If we replace opioids with cannabis, we can greatly reduce addiction and death. And so that’s what my TED talk is about.
Stuart Turley [00:13:31] Well, after you get cancer, after this train wreck, you’re going to need pain relief.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:35] That’s that’s fact!
Stuart Turley [00:13:37] Well, tell us a little bit about what you’re talking about with that, because [00:13:41]We have the border crisis, We have fentanyl coming in, We have opioids overprescription. [6.0s] Tell us a little bit about your thoughts on the opioids whilel, I got it during your time here. [00:13:54]Let us know what opioid addiction problems are and how do you think this is going to solve it? [6.2s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:01] Well, there’s the problem with the opioid issue is that the politicians wanted to throw it back on the doctors and. All right, you know who’s writing the scripts? For the doctors are, but guess what? It’s the only thing we got. Right now, opioids are your choice.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:15] If you’re hurting, you kind of got an opioid, not a whole lot of other options,.
Stuart Turley [00:14:20] Right
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:20] So we’re going to have to come up with another option. By option is cannabis, because it doesn’t kill you, you can’t O.D. on it, it’s not it’s it’s not really addictive. It’s always funny you read the research like people were totally addicted.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:33] When we asked them if they wanted to do it again and they said yes, like, well, that’s not that’s not addiction. That’s that’s holy shit! I didn’t have any anxiety, I really stress, I felt awesome, My joints quit hurting. Yeah, I want to do that again. Yeah, that’s why everybody likes it. But yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:14:48] You know, that’s like me when I get hit, when I’m doing blacksmith or something. I hit my hand, my hand on the hammer and I hit my thumb. Pop. Yeah. Yeah. You want to do it again? Yeah. No, I’m numb.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:01] Yeah. So, yeah, I had a I was talking to that one of my buddies who was a there’s a medic, and now he works on addiction issues, and I was like, What you what do you think about cannabis being addictive? Its not. Now, why do you say that, and what he actually said was, No one sucks dick for canabis.
Stuart Turley [00:15:20] Nice.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:20] And I was like, Fair – Fair. Yeah, because meth, cocaine, crack, heroin, all the things you don’t care about anything. You’ll do whatever it takes to get it, and nobody does. Nobody likes cannabis that much. And so I was like, that’s. That’s fair – That’s, that’s fair. So but yeah, that.
Stuart Turley [00:15:41] Hunter was Hunter was more into I mean, he probably liked cannabis, but he also did other things, right.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:48] Oh. Biden Yeah, Yeah, he is. He is. He is the epitome of Hold my beer, I’ll try anything. So.
Stuart Turley [00:15:56] Okay. Got it. I was just checking on that one.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:58] Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:15:59] On cannabis, though, because I don’t know the laws. Oklahoma’s about to vote on some stuff possibly going to go.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:08] [00:16:08]Oklahoma is going to vote on March seven to go recreational. [3.2s] I hope they get it. I hope I can get my TED talk out to the guys in Oklahoma so that they can go they can see it, because I think that if people understood the gravity of what was going on and how good cannabis is.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:24] I gave it to my son when he had surgery, my ten year old, because I didn’t want him to have the opioids and it worked perfectly, he didn’t get high. Everything was fine.
Stuart Turley [00:16:31] So no, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. How did you dispense that to him? Because I’m a neophyte, and, you know, all I see is what I’ve been told, and that is you’re going to die. You’re going to be you’re going to grow a hump on your back. You’re going to just you know, you’re going to be evil, you know? And it’s like, ooh, you’re a pothead. That’s not what you’re saying.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:54] No, no, no. So. Well, so there’s you can smoke the what we call the flower. Because some flower, they can vape it. But the way that we’re dispensing it is we’re using what’s called a sublingual strip.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:17:05] And so you stick it in your mouth and your time and your cheek, and it dissolves into the bloodstream. And it dissolves in the bloodstream it delivers everything much, much, much faster.
Stuart Turley [00:17:13] Is that like a Listerine strip that I used?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:17:16] Yeah. Yeah. It’s it’s. It looks exactly like a Listerine strip. Yeah. And so that that’s what that’s what we’re using, and it will go out and you can start utilizing the effects within 10 minutes.
Stuart Turley [00:17:28] So now what did your son have an operation on? Because people are going to yell at me for, you know, saying, Hey, wait a minute, I did that to my son. Tell us about that, I’m curious about that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:17:38] [00:17:38]So he had a plate and six screws removed from his arm, and they gave him Norco, which is hydrocodone and acetaminophen. [6.8s] And I just didn’t want to take the opioids, and so I cut the strip up into a small piece because the school thing with the strips, you can dose them If ten milligrams is too much, if you cut it in half, you get exactly five five you can’t do that with. Is there anything else that you can do this with the strips.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:18:02] And so we cut it up into small pieces that he would have, you know, just enough for the pain to go away. And he’d stick it in his mouth. Suck it up for 2 seconds and then, like you said, 10 minutes, he’d tell me, Hey, dad, my arms hurts. And I gave him a small piece and 10 minutes later he’d be like, All right. And you go back and reading he was fine.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:18:19] So this is. This is it. Oh, yeah. [00:18:22]Now this is I’ve used it so my mom broker stardom, my 70 year old mom broke her sternum in a car wreck, all I gave her were the strips. [6.1s] And the funny thing is, she is not only is my pain go away, but it helps relax me and so it helps me breathe.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:18:35] Because remember, if you break your sternum, you can’t breathe every breath you take your ribs have to move so you’re starting to break. It hurts to breathe. And so that was that was a big piece.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:18:43] My office manager, a personal assistant, she broke her toe, boxes we gave it to her, ive use of herniated disks, we’ve given it to people for migraines it’s knocked all this stuff out.
Stuart Turley [00:18:54] Okay. No addiction. It’s controllable from the standpoint of accurate dosing.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:00] Yep.
Stuart Turley [00:19:02] From a medical standpoint, you got my curiosity up, [00:19:05]because if you can pull this off, how many lives we saved by getting rid of the opioid addiction and it also clean up society without having the cartels bringing all this in or having that kind of stuff. [13.7s]
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:20] Well, so what we’re looking to get.
Stuart Turley [00:19:22] How do you get People off of opioids and and that. How do you do that?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:26] Well, so [00:19:27]the research shows that 64% of the time you can replace opioids with cannabis and zero loss and pain modulation. [6.0s] So basically, 64% of the time I give you cannabis instead of opioids, you don’t know the difference, Yeah, that’s pretty cool. Oh, that’s so yeah, that’s pretty.very solid. So we can just start giving these people strips.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:47] Now, the fun thing is that if you mix a little bit of cannabis with a little bit of opioids, it greatly increases the strength of the opioid, but doesn’t give you any of the addiction or death issues.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:56] So we can actually take these strips and put a little bit of cannabis in a little bit of opioids on them and we’re good. And so, there’s a lot of fun that we could start doing with this if we would just decide that it’s going to be somewhat legal, like legal for medical purposes.
Stuart Turley [00:20:11] Right. Now, this sounds too good to be true, Dr. Chalmers.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:20:17] I know the fact that we’ve had this and we’ve been pushing against it for 50 years, 60 years. However, it’s been the solution to our opioid epidemic. I don’t know how we’ve got to the point where we forgot this Is.
Stuart Turley [00:20:33] Is it big Pharma?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:20:35] You know, I don’t know. Maybe. But the fun thing is, is that our strips are patentable. And so because you can’t patent a naturally occurring substance, you can’t patent cannabis, but you can patent the strips, it goes on.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:20:48] And if the opioid guys will be like, Hey, look, we’ll take all buy your strips from you and we’ll just quit doing this, great. You guys make money, nobody else dies, everybody’s happy. And so.
Stuart Turley [00:20:59] In the state income tax, I really like this from a goodness standpoint. Opioid addiction is terrible. Addiction is we got to do everything we can to help addicts.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:21:12] Right now, with the addiction function. [00:21:15]We are adding 21,000 people per month every month to the people who are addicted. [6.5s] Even though we’re losing, [00:21:23]like in 2020, we lost 70,000 people die from opioid overdose, but we’re still increasing the addiction numbers by 21,000 a month. [8.9s] So this problem is not only not going away, it’s getting a lot worse.
Stuart Turley [00:21:38] Wow. How do we. What are your next? Because this is huge. Dr. Thomas, What are your next steps on getting you got the TED talk and that this is covering?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:21:51] That Yes! So the TED talks seem to be specifically about this. We’ve got to get that pushed out to as many people as can see it, because I really think what’s going to happen is I really think there’s a lot of people who are 40, 50, 60, 70 who have changed their minds on cannabis, but the politicians don’t know that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:22:06] And so they’re too scared, they’re too scared to have a vote, they’re too scared to say we should or we shouldn’t. And so hopefully we can start a conversation to be like, Look, you know what? A group of us don’t like cannabis, but we like it a lot more than we like addiction and death from opioids.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:22:23] And so if we just go, look, I’m not asking that, can we go smoke this on a Friday night. I’m asking, can the doctors prescribe cannabis instead of or along with opioids, or are we all cool with that? And if we’re like, you know what? Yeah, anything to decrease that addiction and death, I’m cool with it, Great. That’s the next step I need the country to do, decriminalize it.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:22:42] Here’s the thing about decriminalization. I’m not saying it’s legal, I’m just not saying it’s illegal. What that allows us to do is we can now use banks to certify all these things, and we use credit cards, stuff like that, but we can also ship stuff across state lines. Just just because it’s legal in state A and legal and state B and they touch each other, you still can’t cross the border because the border is federally controlled.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:23:07] So because it being because it’s illegal, you cannot do that. And so we need to get decriminalized so we get rid of all that. And then just just be like, look from us from a country standpoint, we can do this for medicine. Let’s just let’s start there. I don’t want to talk about. Let’s just start right there. The doctors can prescribe this instead of opioids.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:23:28] In fact, we’re going to do we can give you a cannabis prescription, and if you’re like, hey, man, that didn’t work, we can then send you the opioids. Like, I don’t have a problem with doing the opioids as long as we tried everything else first. I don’t want people to hurt. I don’t want them to get addicted, die. So we got to. What’s the worse thing? Worse than everything.
Stuart Turley [00:23:46] Self-medication with alcohol is not good either.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:23:49] So correct. Go ahead.
Stuart Turley [00:23:52] I was just going to ask, you know, alcohol’s legal, but you’re. What you’re telling me is that cannabis is less impactful on the body.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:24:02] 100%. So here’s here’s the fun thing about this. The way that alcohol, opioids both work is they have receptors, sites in the brain, what’s called the pods. The pods is responsible for autonomic nervous system is the reason we breathe when we fall asleep. It’s a reason we breathe when we’re not thinking about it.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:24:18] Well, alcohol and opioids, Shut that off. If you just stop breathing. So if you pass out, if you go to sleep, you just stop breathing and you die. And so that’s what opioids and alcohol would do.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:24:30] There are no receptors in the pons for cannabis, so that’s why people smoke, trade crazy amounts of cannabis and they never die, so you can’t overdose on cannabis, That’s one of the major reasons. So it’s a much, much, much, much safer option to start with than anything else we’ve got currently at the moment.
Stuart Turley [00:24:49] All right. Again, I. I don’t know anything about it, so I think you can tell. I’m kind of curious by this discussion it’s fascinating. Dr. Chalmers, your book, in fact, I think you need to write a second edition because there’s so much that has gone on, in the world right now, I think your Pillars of Wellness was a Amazon bestseller.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:25:13] Yep.
Stuart Turley [00:25:13] I think it’s a good read and the content is going to be in the bottom. But how can we get you to write a second edition with this chapter in it, with these other things in there?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:25:26] So here’s here’s the problem we are right now. When I between writing a book and getting it published was about eight months,.
Stuart Turley [00:25:36] Right?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:25:36] In eight months, too much stuff transpires. And so what I’m going to try to do is do more ebooks or, you know, I’ll throw everything on my substack. Okay. Yeah, that type of stuff. So I if I find something, I don’t want to wait eight months for Google to find out about it. Like, it took me four months. It took me four months to figure out how to fix COVID. People still don’t know how to do it. So I’d like to be able to get stuff out as soon as I can. Go ahead.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:26:02] I want to give you a shout out. I’ve had COVID three times and your Doctor Chalmers mix of stuff is phenomenal. I mean, I walked in and Dr. Chalmers gave it to my wife. She brings it home. Second time I had a first time. It was terrible. I didn’t didn’t have your concoction in your special formula and all your vitamins and everything else. Second time I was down for a day.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:26:32] Yeah.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:26:33] It. I felt bad. Yeah, it was bad in a fight. The third time I got it, I was like, Where’s Dr. Chalmers formula? You know, So I had my wife come get it. It is an amazing. Tell us about that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:26:46] Well, so the biggest issue is that COVID is not a respiratory issue. It’s a vascular issue. So what ends up happening is combat actually activates the red, an angiotensin aldosterone system, which causes massive vasoconstriction in the kidneys, heart, lung and brain, which is, if you look at everything I write, having heart attacks and strokes is like that. That’s why. And so it was it’ll squeeze his blood vessels down so much that it cannot, you know, carry oxygen, the proper blood flow, it can’t get waste out. And so what you do is you use straight quinine, not hydroxychloroquine, but straight quinine, to knock the spike protein off the ACE2 receptor site, allowing the blood vessels to dilate back out and then carry oxygen. What I do in the office will also put people in a hyperbaric chamber because I can increase oxygen to the tissue by 1,000% with that. The problem with probably CO is that these people could breathe just fine. The reason that people die and they get put on ventilators is because they could breathe just fine. Ventilators help you breathe. They’re good for pneumonia, bad for COVID. They should have put those people, the Halbach chamber, because it wasn’t that the fuel tank wasn’t getting full of gas. The engine wasn’t getting it. If you have a full fuel tank and the engine doesn’t get gas, the first thing you look at is the pipe, which is, in this case, the blood vessel. And that’s where the problem is.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:27:59] Wow. I mean, you’re the bottle that you recommend now. When I was there and you told me about the bottle that I’m buying because the receptors for COVID are destroyed, I don’t remember how you phrased this. And so help me articulate this. That queen, not the the bottle that I’m buying has made me feel a lot better. The monthly regiment. Tell us what that is, because that’s critical.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:28:29] Well, so here’s the other piece. COVID doesn’t go away like a full flu or a cold. It will come back every time your immune system drops. So it’s much similar to herpes because once you get herpes, you it and like fever, blisters, cold sores, things like that. And then whenever it is, you get sick and your immune system drops, it presents itself. Same thing with COVID. So as you’re everything’s great, I feel fantastic. And you get a little sick, a sinus infection, a cold sore like that, it pops back up and people are like, Now this flu is kicking my ass. I don’t know why this flu is so much worse than normal because it’s flu and COVID.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:29:03] Yeah, I wonder why I was feeling so much better. I mean, just as a normal health, I take your vitamins recommended, you know, your whole thing. And so not only I’m your biggest cheerleader out here, I mean, what is it? The hair care? I mean, we are I mean, the hair care guys, you know, And I’m a customer as well, too.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:29:21] Yeah.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:29:23] Well, Dr. Chalmers, we’re just about out of time. You got the TED talk coming up. You’ve got your eBooks. How do people get a hold of you on your substack or your your social media Tell us about.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:29:38] So they’re all my social media is. Dr. Chalmers one, You can just search for the Substack. Dr. Chalmers You can do that one. And then the podcast is Wellness Insights. Dr. Chalmers You can pull of any of those. And so you know that Amazon book, the Kindle book, which is I recommend that one’s like I think $0.99, I want to keep it as cheap as possible so you just get the information. So that’s the that’s right.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:30:03] And one of the things I really, really enjoy, as you’ve always on your podcast had questions at Chalmers Wellness dot com. Yes and I’ve had other people and I want to also give a shout out you’re you know in famous I guess I knew somebody in the Philippines and they met a doctor that knew you. I mean they actually went to a chiropractor So that’s pretty darn cool that you’re known worldwide so.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:30:30] Yeah. Yeah. It’s getting fun, so. All right.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:30:33] Dr. Chalmers, thank you so much for your time.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:30:35] Thank you, sir. Have a good.