Male and Female brains: More similar or More different?
Men's and women's brains simply work differently. This is not a joke; it is a fact, and understanding it can really help everyone. Men's brains, it is said, behave like waffles. We have a lot of small boxes, and when we are thinking of something, we play with one of them. When we need to move on, we close that box and move on to the next.
Women's brains, on the other hand, are like spaghetti, with everything connected to everything else and everyone talking at the same time. This is also why women are frequently better multitaskers than men. However, there is a relationship-related secret here. When a man comes home, a woman should greet him with a hello or hi; kisses are also acceptable.
This greeting should be kept brief, and you should not do or say anything else to him for about 20-30 minutes. Men must close the box of the outside world, the office, or whatever, and open the box of their homes. This process must occur or stress and strain will be greatly increased. Now once the man has had his 20-30 min to close the box and decompress it is his job to go to the woman and ask "how was your day"? It is then the woman's responsibility to verbally purge everything she has been thinking about all day.
If you're the man in this situation, try to keep up because there will almost certainly be a quiz at some point. When she describes a problem, don't jump in with solutions; instead, let her finish speaking. When she is finished, and only when she is finished, ask if she would like your help and support with some of the problems or if she simply needed to vent.
Remember, the man only has 20-30 minutes, so 10 minutes of breathless talking should be fine. This is necessary due to the way our brains process information. Try it out and see if it helps.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.