The Crude Truth has boots on the ground in Ohio with Matt Coday, President OGWA, and Dr. Chalmers
This is an exciting episode of the Crude Truth with guests: Matt Coday, President of the Oil & Gas Workers Association; Dr. Matt Chalmers, Health Expert; John Gallo, VP of Construction; and Stu Turley, CEO of the Sandstone Group.
We cover the delivery of supplies from the oil field workers in West Texas and real insights from John and Matt in Palestine while delivering much-needed supplies.
Dr. Matt Chalmers has some critical information for the first responders, people in the town, and what we need to do as Americans. The Ohio train derailment is not the only one that has happened, and these chemicals are being spread. People need to follow the Detox protocols, and Dr. Chalmers provides follow-up information and recommendations.
Please get in touch with Matt Coday at the site to help with donations or how you can help.
Please reach out to Dr. Matt Chalmers on his LinkedIn HERE
Please reach out to Matt Coday on his LinkedIn HERE
Please reach out to John Callo on his LinkedIn HERE
Check out StatusJet HERE
Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.
Rey Trevino [00:01:09] Well, what an exciting morning we are having here, this is a Crude Truth Exclusive. Thank you to the sandstone group for helping us get this thing going so quickly. And I called this an exclusive because it's true that's what it is.
Rey Trevino [00:01:26] Today. I've got some great hosts, but more importantly, I have people that are boots on the ground in East Palestine, all hail right now. But joining me this morning are Stu Turley with the Stand. So group. Stu, how are you?
Stuart Turley [00:01:41] All right. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and we're going to have fun.
Rey Trevino [00:01:44] Good. And then I've got Dr. Mike Chalmers, who is a health doctor out of the Frisco area. Doctor, how are you?
Dr. Chalmers [00:01:51] I'm doing well man
Rey Trevino [00:01:53] Well, good. Well, gentlemen, thank you all very much for being here. But more importantly, let's get to the stars that are the boots on the ground from the great state of Texas, from West Texas. might i add, is Matt Cody, president of the Oil and Gas Workers Association, and John Gallo, who is part of also the Workers association, but is part of the Ohio chapter because as I mentioned just now, they are basically boots on the ground right now in East Palestine, Ohio. Matt, John, how are you guys doing?
John Gallo [00:02:27] Well, sir, how are you doing?
Rey Trevino [00:02:29] Doing Good. Matt, How's it going?
Matt Coday [00:02:31] Doing great. How are you Ray?
Rey Trevino [00:02:33] Oh, doing well. You awake over there?
Matt Coday [00:02:35] Yes, we are.
Rey Trevino [00:02:37] Good, good. Okay, well, let's just dive in, though, because I know we don't have super a whole lot of time. So what is going on over there? What does it look like right now? Give me the catchphrase? Give me the Crude Truth real quick.
Matt Coday [00:02:52] The Biden administration's lying to people, and that's the Crude Truth.
Rey Trevino [00:02:58] But what do you mean by that, Matt? What do you what do you seeing out there?
Matt Coday [00:03:02] Did you hear a couple of weeks ago Joe Biden's EPA chief tell people to trust the government? I mean, come on. Look, what we're saying is and John, you can probably talk about this a lot better than I can, but everybody that we talked to, there's this kind of fear.
Matt Coday [00:03:20] Like because they're being told one thing and a lot of people just don't trust the government and they certainly don't trust this administration. But we've talked to a lot of people here locally who are still afraid to drink the water no matter what they're being told.
Stuart Turley [00:03:33] Right.
John Gallo [00:03:33] Yeah, that's right, Matt. There's a lot of locals you know, we've been out here for two days now talking to people. Everybody that doesn't need water that drops by is just very appreciative we've had people stop and offer donations, we've had people stop and give us water. You know,.
John Gallo [00:03:47] There's people that are in tears that are appreciative of what we're doing here and, you know, we're talking to them and we're also talking to them about, you know, we're here for a secondary reason, and that's to get the truth out and give these people a platform that they can feel comfortable speaking to.
Rey Trevino [00:04:03] And that's why we're here. You know, Sue and Dr. Tom Ridge, we want to give you all that platform right now. What are you seeing? You know, we've seen the videos of Senator J.D. Vance with the water. What are you guys seeing over there?
John Gallo [00:04:20] You know, there's there's a lot of people in the area that just need supplies, they need water. But the biggest thing they need right now is answers. Right? There's a lot of people here that don't have the knowledge, they don't have the understanding of what is going on because everything is being kept secret.
John Gallo [00:04:39] You know, we're not talking about a group that can't physically understand it, we're talking about a group that's not getting the information. You know, we're talking about a group that is feels like they're being left on the edge.
John Gallo [00:04:50] We're talking about a group of people that live here that have lived here their whole lives, they don't want to leave they don't know what to do. But they're scared to be here day in, day out because of the situation with the water.
Rey Trevino [00:05:03] Well, and that's one thing. You know, Dr. Chalmers, I know that you were just recently on talking about the water and so forth, can you explain that to us a little bit?
Dr. Chalmers [00:05:14] Yeah. So there's it's not just the water people need to be worried about, it's still kind of some air quality function. [00:05:19]The issue that we get into is that Vinyl Chloride is a it's a hydrocarbon, so it's going to sit on top of the water. And that's why when that when you see the news video and they pull a stick through the water and it gives you that that oily sheen, that's what we're seeing is the Vinyl Chloride. [13.5s]
Dr. Chalmers [00:05:33] The problem is it's not just in the water, it's on the land, it's on all the water that the animals are eating and drinking out of, any of the grass that it was sitting on now the animals are eating that.
Dr. Chalmers [00:05:43] This is a much bigger issue than just don't drink the water, you'll be fine. You can't eat the animals, you can't eat the food that's been grown there, you've got to walk, you're worry about all that stuff.
Dr. Chalmers [00:05:53] And until they start cleaning at the water filtration systems, and so they start cleaning that for hydrocarbon function, it's always going to be there. It's always going to sit on the on the filters, it's going to sit in the pipes its going to sit on everything. They got to dechlorinate that stuff and pull this does those hydrocarbons out. Otherwise, this can be a problem for years.
Stuart Turley [00:06:12] Dr. Chalmers. I want to interrupt here for just a second, that is a normal you can't boil that stuff out Dr. Chalmers, as you talked about on our our interview. But it's also worse than that is there's a limitation of city water not being able to clear that out. Can you explain that a little bit? There's going to be some city water systems that can do it. What is going to happen?
Dr. Chalmers [00:06:41] Well, so when you're starting to try to pull this stuff out, what you actually have to do there is a big deal and Bachmann Road that aquifer, and I want to say Oscoda, Michigan, not too terribly long ago, a couple years ago.
Dr. Chalmers [00:06:53] And the way they did it was they used they use chemicals to break that down. And so, like, the big thing that you're going to see them mean to use is Ampicillin. It was what they used it to kind of break all these things down, but they had to pump these pyruvate ampicillin and they pumped hydrogen gas into it to bind everything together so they can pull this stuff out. If they're not doing active chemical binding and pulling this stuff out, it's just going to cycle through.
Dr. Chalmers [00:07:19] You can boil off this water as much as you want to. All it's going to do is put this stuff into a gaseous form, put it back up into the air and let it rain back down every bottle. So unless you chemically break this apart and chemically extract it, you're not going to get there.
Dr. Chalmers [00:07:32] Some of the filtration will help. Like if you have a whole house reverse osmosis filter system that will pull some of this out. But if you're not Full R.O, you're not getting this stuff out, you're going to throw it back in the dirt that's going to contaminate the dirt and contaminate everything around it for years.
John Gallo [00:07:48] Yeah. And I just want to point out, so currently we are less than a half a mile from the derailment from ground zero and we are on the main drag. The road right behind us goes right to where the derailment was and there's people in and out of there nonstop.
John Gallo [00:08:03] They have two very large street sweepers that have been running that road, and our vehicles on the main drag yesterday were completely covered in dust.
Dr. Chalmers [00:08:10] Yeah,.
John Gallo [00:08:11] And it's the dirt and stuff that's coming from down at ground Zero.
Dr. Chalmers [00:08:15] Well, [00:08:16]the other big thing and so one of the things about Vinyl Chloride is it's heavier than air. [3.5s] And so what's going to end up happening is that as it was seeping out of the tanker, all those guys are going to be covered at it.
Dr. Chalmers [00:08:26] And the problem is that this isn't one of those things where, oh, I'm not dead right now, so Im Okay. This creates massive problems inside the body, ends up with lots and lots of liver cancer and all sorts of things long term. So they don't start detoxing these guys and pulling it out, it can be bad pretty quick, and there's a very specific way you've got to do it.
Dr. Chalmers [00:08:44] The IVs for the liver, you I would [00:08:46]make sure everybody is getting glutathione, methylated folic acid, B-6, vitamin C, and then I would put ozone into the IVs, but if you're not doing that type of stuff, you're not going to get this stuff cycle that you're going to start seeing lots of bad stuff in these people in a couple of months. [14.7s]
Dr. Chalmers [00:09:02] So it's going to be a much bigger issue in a couple months, and it is right now, and I don't know how if we give it six months or a year. I don't know if we're going to have to pull this waste out of people before all the damage is already done.
Stuart Turley [00:09:14] Wow.
Rey Trevino [00:09:15] You know, you know, Matt, what are you guys seeing? You know, you've been there for a couple of days now. So what are the locals saying? Obviously, they're very appreciative of the water, but just with what Dr. Chalmers just said. You know, are they concerned, you know, how concerned are they with the health of this small town of 5000?
Matt Coday [00:09:35] Yeah. I was listening to the lady do an interview this morning and she started breaking down in tears, you know, as she was talking, she was talking about being concerned for her children and for her whole family.
Matt Coday [00:09:50] You know, people here are concerned, that's what we see a lot. And, you know, just under the surface of a bunch of brave faces, people are very scared they're very concerned. Not just for them personally, what's going to happen to my health, but what's going to happen to my kids and what's going to happen to our, you know, our pets, you know, our fur babies, what's going to happen to our neighbors?
Matt Coday [00:10:12] And so. There's a whole lot of hope, there's a whole lot of bravery, but there's a whole lot of fear in this town. And people who we're not sure what to believe anymore, they're not sure what to think. They're hopeful that it won't be bad, but they're very concerned about future health problems and they're also grateful.
Matt Coday [00:10:34] You know, the lady this morning who was talking about as she was asked by a news anchor, hey, what do you think about those guys from Texas setting up all that water? And she just started breaking down and crying, and she was she was very grateful.
Matt Coday [00:10:48] So I just wanted to say thank you to you Ray. Stue and everybody else who helped send water. These people up here, the Yall sent water to, truly are grateful.
John Gallo [00:11:01] Yeah. You know, we talked to we talked to one person in particular this morning. She's a local business owner, does not want to be named, we're going to make sure that that's, you know, kept that way.
John Gallo [00:11:13] But her you know, her exact words were she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't want to get run out of the town. She doesn't want her business to be closed, she doesn't want anything to happen to her in a negative aspects, and I've heard it from a few different people there.
John Gallo [00:11:27] Like Matt said, you know, there was one lady that was willing to talk about it this morning. There's been a couple of people, but I think the overwhelming consensus is we don't want to talk about it because we don't want the consequences.
Matt Coday [00:11:40] Yeah,.
Rey Trevino [00:11:41] Well,.
Stuart Turley [00:11:42] Consequence?
Rey Trevino [00:11:42] Go ahead Stu...
Stuart Turley [00:11:44] Consequences from who?
John Gallo [00:11:47] So I haven't specifically asked that question you know, I think these people are stressed out and I don't want to hash out any, you know, hash any things or get anybody emotional, I want this to be a positive, you know, venture here.
John Gallo [00:12:02] But I would say based on what that lady said, the consequences are, you know, they're going to revoke the business or they need it for this. You know, there's a group of EPA guys that just bought up a whole block and they had kicked us out of an area this morning because they're putting a trailer in there.
John Gallo [00:12:20] Now with the contacts that we've made and the people that are grateful we got the city to bring us, kids tear down, and we were able to move our pallets down. But they're set up, right behind us, this is the trailer right here that kicked us out. And the EPA took that whole block over there and that's where their offices are going to be set up.
John Gallo [00:12:37] Now, full disclosure, the town is thankful that they're here local, they're not somewhere else. You know, that is a benefit for them but what are they doing?
Matt Coday [00:12:48] That's a good question. I mean, if there's not a problem here, was the EPA here?
Rey Trevino [00:12:53] Yeah. Are you still seeing people in anywhere in town wearing any type of facial like real face mask, breathing apparatuses?
John Gallo [00:13:04] Professional? No. I've seen a few people drive by today that have face coverings and things like that. But I don't I don't think it's being talked about to where that is even a viable option. You know, I don't know if these people even know that, that may help and it probably won't, based on the last mask venture that we've had, I don't know if that's going to help at all either.
John Gallo [00:13:27] But, you know, there's no real protocol here, you know, I've been talking to people they've been having town meetings, and from my understanding, they're basically scripted. I have not personally attended one, although I do know somebody who has.
Rey Trevino [00:13:41] John, are you saying that town meetings are scripted? They're like as if they're for show?
John Gallo [00:13:48] I've had a conversation with a guy, a local guy who has been here, they were the one that has drone footage of the night that it derailed, has been here, has been here with us. Yesterday, has been here with us today and he said that every town meeting that he has went to has felt scripted and they were told what to say and how to react and what questions to ask.
John Gallo [00:14:12] No, I did not ask him if that was, you know, presenters or by standards, but I think we could probably get to the bottom of that if we have a conversation.
Matt Coday [00:14:22] End of quote. Repeat the line. Remember when Biden read that off,.
Stuart Turley [00:14:29] Right?
Rey Trevino [00:14:30] Yeah.
Stuart Turley [00:14:31] Stand here,.
Rey Trevino [00:14:32] Dr. Chalmers, you know, John just described that some people are wearing some kind of a mask. And then you also mentioned a few minutes ago, Dr. Chalmers, that, hey, this is almost like a circle, like it just continuously.
Rey Trevino [00:14:47] You know, do people need to be really be concerned there in the area right now about their breathing and what they're breathing in?
Dr. Chalmers [00:14:53] Not in the moment. Right now, the stuff is mostly being dealt with either into the ground or it's been up in the air and blown away. And the big thing is, is that what you have to understand is that this is not just a Palestine issue. This is a couple of miles away ten, four, 50, 70, 100 miles away, because the winds at that altitude are carrying this stuff all over the place.
Dr. Chalmers [00:15:15] So I wouldn't be worried about what you're breathing in right now. I'd be much more worried about what you're eating and drinking from this point forward and what you're bathing in. Because, you know, for the first week or so, the water that you're bathing and drinking and all that type of stuff, washing your dishes with things like that, water your lawn with , your kids, your animals are playing and all that stuff was already in the tower, already in the pipe, so that was clean. Air in a couple of weeks, whatever it was that is now being filtered, there is now being put in the tanks and the pipes, that's where it's going is problematic.
Dr. Chalmers [00:15:46] So you're going to start to see this if they don't figure out a way to, like I said, chemically pull the stuff apart, while they're processing water in about a week or so, all that stuff is going to start this can come in your shower. It's it become everywhere else you're not going to get away from it.
Dr. Chalmers [00:15:59] So facemask, the little paper face masks do nothing for anybody for any reason. But if you're wearing an actual gas mask, that would have been great for the night of the rat. About two days after that, three days after that, it's not going to be a big enough deal because it's it's so around everything else. The mask thing is not going to be very helpful.
Stuart Turley [00:16:18] But let me ask this, RT. Sorry for interrupting. Matt, we you know, when Dr. Chalmers right before this we were talking because they stopped shipping their stuff, the contaminated water to there were two places they were shipping this out by tankers going to Houston to put into a disposal well and then another location and I just heard that they're stopping it. Can you all tell us what they're doing to that stuff now?
Matt Coday [00:16:52] I heard that they had put a pause on shipping it out of here. I was reading an article about that. Of course, we know that the Biden administration likes to use the word Cause a lot like they did with pausing better oil and gas leasing.
Stuart Turley [00:17:04] Right,.
Matt Coday [00:17:05] John talk about what you know they're doing here locally.
John Gallo [00:17:08] So this morning, we had some individual stop and we were talking to them about that and when, you know, Matt had mentioned where they came from. The subject came up, said, oh, they're not shipping it to Texas anymore. And we responded, you know, no, and the gentleman said, no, they're actually shipping the water and the contaminated soil to an incinerator not very far from here by the river and they're incinerating it there.
Rey Trevino [00:17:40] So it's just all staying right there in the area.
John Gallo [00:17:44] Right.
Rey Trevino [00:17:44] Which doesn't help, and I want to come back to Dr. Chalmers point about, hey, the water that was there in the water towers, that was all safe. You know, are the citizens of East Palestine and I'm sure they are, but I'll ask the full question is how concerned are they with the future moving forward? And more importantly, how do they feel about the EPA and the government helping them move forward when these things really do start to hit the fan?
John Gallo [00:18:17] So, again, the people here are scared, you know, feeling about the impacts down the road. I don't think they've been given enough information to have an informative opinion about how this is going to go in a few months.
John Gallo [00:18:30] Nobody knows about anything, I mean, the roads are blocked down, down here. They're blocked, you can't get down there. You know, the news people that have been in the area have told us once you get there, they will try to, you know, take your camera, they don't want any filming they don't want anything like that.
Stuart Turley [00:18:45] Wow.
John Gallo [00:18:46] It was even on a private property and they tried the workers tried to get him to leave and he said that it was private property. He said they were there was a conversation with the landowner and then the landowner came over and escorted him off of his property.
John Gallo [00:19:00] So everything is hush hush from a from a media standpoint, at least at ground Zero. You know, I don't live very far from here. You know, my wife has family in here, we watched a video today of, you know, somebody that's close to me that it was basically from their back porch.
Matt Coday [00:19:21] The night of the derailment.
John Gallo [00:19:23] Yeah. So that video was taken off their back porch of the train on fire, things like that. They don't have and have not been given the information or any foreshadowing of this event to understand the implications along the next couple of months.
John Gallo [00:19:41] And Dr. Charles, You talk about, you know, a 70 to 100 mile radius. Well, I've been in this business a very long time in oil and gas, I know a lot of people in a lot of places. I spent a significant amount of time last year in Kentucky, and I've developed some relationships with people down there.
John Gallo [00:20:02] In North Eastern Kentucky, they are coming up with plans right now to shut down dams and things down there because they're concerned that the water is going to hit Kentucky.
Dr. Chalmers [00:20:12] Well, so what we're actually going to see is we're going to see this trickle all the way through the US because this stuff sits on top of water. And so as long as it hits any type of stream we're in, we we're going to problems all over the place. The 70 or 80 miles is just where the air was going to be toxic at that point around the derailment.
Dr. Chalmers [00:20:29] So what you're also going to see is this can be in any water system and the problem is it's going to go into the groundwater and then we can't trace it so we don't know where it's going to go.
Dr. Chalmers [00:20:37] So, like, I'm in Texas and because of this and the one in Arizona, I'm getting a full whole house reverse osmosis system, put on my house. So that my water, my pool, my yard, all that stuff is clean and it's ready for just the house. But, you know, this type of things can affect a lot more people than just people who are in Ohio. So, yeah, it's going to be a much bigger problem.
Stuart Turley [00:20:58] Let me let me let me interrupt, because right now, you guys, Matt, Cody, you guys hit on it. It's gone to the incinerator over there. Dr. Chalmers, before we started talking, you also mentioned just a second ago that when you got to separate it out and you guys said that this thing is going in dirt and it's going in water and it's going into the incinerator and the fumes are coming out. So, Dr. Chalmers, if this fumes are still coming out, that could go a lot further and it is extremely dangerous, because you and I talked. It's easier to get rid of nuclear waste than this stuff, right?
Dr. Chalmers [00:21:41] Well, the good thing about nuclear waste is that it's contained within a nuclear reactor, typically, and so it's easy to get rid of. The problem with this is that you can't it's going to be much more difficult to find until it's in a quantity that's highly toxic.
Dr. Chalmers [00:21:54] And so depending on how hot they're burning it and what they're pre treating it with, it might not do a whole lot, but kick these fumes up into the atmosphere and then we've got to deal with all that stuff again. When we burn stuff, you're basically adding carbon and oxygen to it, does not necessarily mean that you're fully denature it.
Dr. Chalmers [00:22:12] So what you really want to do is if you can pump hydrogen through it, it'll help clear some of that out don't make a bunch of hydrochloric acid, but you can deal with hydrochloric acid real easily. You can't really deal with some of these little fluoride issues very well. If it lands on dirt and stuff like that. So that is another issue we've got to worry about is what's going to happen to the particulate that comes out of the burning process.
Rey Trevino [00:22:36] You know, there's just this is such a long term, terrible tragedy that has happened. I mean, this could be our Chernobyl in a way that we have had here in America, and especially with the way that this is going to trickle and affect the rest of the United States.
Rey Trevino [00:22:58] Matt, I know that you and John are part of the Oil and Gas Workers Association and you guys are there delivering water and supplies. But this is not going to be your only shipment to the area, is that correct?
Matt Coday [00:23:12] Right. No, They're truckloads coming out of the Permian Basin and from other places across the country still. A lot of people just pitching in, we appreciate your contributions, Ray, Make this Country, Crude Truth we appreciate you Stu, Sandstone group.
Matt Coday [00:23:30] A lot of individuals and businesses in the Permian Basin who have pitched in and people in the DFW Metroplex and people from Colorado, I mean, just everywhere I go on and on and they need it, people here need that water and, Ray Go ahead.
Rey Trevino [00:23:50] Well, and how can they find you if they want to help? Give back, you know, give to.
Matt Coday [00:23:55] Sure. If people want to contribute to this, find that there's a tab on the Oil and Gas Workers Association website that's labeled HELP OHIO, Matt. Our website is OGWAUSA.COM. Find the HELP OHIO tab, click on it and you can donate there.
Matt Coday [00:24:16] Also, there are LinkedIn posts for Keith Stelter, for John Gallo, for me several other people, West Johnson, Derek Clark, Caitlin Edge. A ton of people you still that they can find a link on and contribute directly to the effort.
Matt Coday [00:24:34] And Ray, you know, you mentioned something earlier, I know maybe it was Dr. Chalmers who was talking about, you know, between this train derailment and the one in Arizona. Now he's getting in our system for home. .
Matt Coday [00:24:46] You know, we've started to pay attention to train derailments over the last month and now we we're starting to find out, man, there are a lot more train derailments in this country than people knew about it. And it's a simple reminder that pipelines are the safest, most efficient way to transport American oil and gas in this country.
Rey Trevino [00:25:10] And that's the Crude Truth right there.
Matt Coday [00:25:13] That's the Crude Truth.
Stuart Turley [00:25:17] Hey RT, I'm going to get information from Dr. Chalmers and we'll have this available for your show notes. Because Matt, thank you guys for boots on the ground and I'm sorry for stepping in, but we need to get the health information from Dr. Chalmers out to the good citizens in Ohio.
Matt Coday [00:25:35] Banking on it! Please tell Dr. Chalmers, thank you so much for taking time to get information to people and just to tell people what's possible, what's going on, maybe what they're not warning you about, because people are scared. People need to know that. So thank you all for getting the information to them, thank you, Dr. Chalmers, for taking time and just caring about the people.
Dr. Chalmers [00:25:58] Absolutely, Matt.
Rey Trevino [00:26:01] Well, guys well, there's a lot of back to it over there Matt Cody, John Gallo of the Oil and Gas Workers Association. They're boots on the ground, helping Americans, Americans helping Americans that's what we do and we got to remember that.
Rey Trevino [00:26:17] And so anybody out there, please go to the Oil and Gas Workers Association website. Donate help, if you have another group that you help out with, please do, because this is going to affect America.
Rey Trevino [00:26:29] Dr. Chalmers, So do you have anything that you like to share in closing?
Dr. Chalmers [00:26:34] No. I think the sooner you can treat stuff, the always the better. So when we get this information out to you guys and start finding people who help you, help do the IVs and help do the detoxification. It's really super important for the first responders, it's important for everybody.
Dr. Chalmers [00:26:48] The other people, I would 100% make sure we start looking at, is anybody who's pregnant because this stuff is going to be toxic for them and toxic for babies. So we got to really start worried about that. Let's make sure we start cleaning people up so that we can start getting through this.
Rey Trevino [00:27:05] Hey Mr Turley.
Stuart Turley [00:27:05] Yep, I just appreciate you guys boots on the ground and appreciate everybody doing everything. It's not a good time so it's it's called being, like you said, Matt, Americans and as we say from Texas, you know, Americans. So thank you all.
Rey Trevino [00:27:25] Well, thank you very much for doing this and we're going to get going so we can get this out and moving forward and just think everybody very much and we'll talk to you all soon.
Narrator [00:27:38] This episode of The Crew Truth is brought to you by Oil and Gas Workers Association Sandstone Group, Air Compressor Solutions, Asian Fluids and The Fuel Pros and Real News Communication Network.
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GREAT interview with Dr. Matt Chalmers